A faith-based, holistic after-school program for vulnerable children
When Arlington Bridge Builders asked our South Arlington neighbors to identify key issues in their community, we repeatedly heard of the need for after-school programs. Children in economically disadvantaged families can struggle to keep up academically, which can hinder their development for years to come. But tutoring alone will not bridge the gap. And so in partnership with other services offered at Mission NOVA, Arlington Bridge Builders is developing an after-school program called Bridge Kids that will connect vulnerable children to the people and resources they need to flourish. The initiative is founded on the following commitments:
- Growth – close the achievement gap by empowering students
- Community – create a welcoming and fun environment where kids feel connected to families, school, neighbors and other students
- Diversity – embrace all students with dignity, respect and love
- Holistic – address the needs of the whole child: mentally, socially, physically, emotionally and spiritually
Arlington Bridge Builders is currently working with an elementary school near the Center where the reading and math proficiency rates are among the lowest in the county, largely because the students struggle in English. In close cooperation with their parents, the school and the community, we provide a free, twice-weekly “Entry to English” program that includes sports and activities. The fun environment makes it easy for kids to participate and belong. And in contrast to the negative messages kids hear every day, students learn they are equally created in the image of God, regardless of their background or socio-economic status. Grounding students in the confidence they have inherent dignity and worth is essential to their growth and development.
In developing the program, we have benefited by helpful resources and advisors, such that the response from the kids, parents and school has been enthusiastic. But to bridge the students’ achievement gap, we need to grow the program to five days per week with an expanded curriculum of reading, math and English, and serve the broader needs of disadvantaged families.
To do that, we need your help. Our goal is to hire a full-time director and a part-time teacher who can oversee the after-school program and connect families to the relationships and resources they need to flourish. And so we invite you to partner with us, as we love our neighbors together.
To help fund the program, you can donate here
Thank you for your support, as we together seek the flourishing of the city God has sent us to.